While we make every effort to provide our users with accurate, up to date information, we cannot guarantee the validity of any details provided on Bonusland.co.uk. The information we make available is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate at the time of publication, but we make no guarantees or representations. Furthermore, we may not be held liable or legally responsible for any content or conduct our visitors may encounter by using any of the external links on our website.
Our users must understand that gambling over the internet for real money incurs risk. There is always the chance that they may lose money. Our role as a third party gambling portal is to suggest what we believe to be upright gaming sites. To make use of any gambling site promoted on our website, whether as a free-play or real-money member, is up to the sole discretion of the user. You agree not to hold Bonusland.co.uk or any of its owners/employees liable for monies lost gambling online.
Please refer to our Privacy Policy page for more information regarding data protection of our visitors’ personal information.
Updates to these Terms
Should we, at any time, deem it necessary to make alterations to the terms of use, we will provide the date of its revision below. Please check back often to ensure you are familiar with the latest version.